The Brooklin Merchants are celebrating their 25th anniversary which will culminate by hosting the Presidents Cup from August 23-30, 2025 at Iroquois Park Sports Centre, Whitby, ON.
It has been quite a journey from when Brad MacArthur first advocated for us to take over control of the Merchants a few years ago through a couple of lost COVID seasons, to building up a very competitive team, to now, submitting the winning bid to host the 2025 Presidents Cup tournament! I can't thank our GM, Asst GMs, VPs and Secretary enough for all that they did to put together the winning bid. And of course, the numerous businesses who stepped up to support the bid - thank you! Next season is the 25th anniversary of the Brooklin Merchants and hosting the Presidents Cup will make what was already going to be a special season, that much more memorable. My only regret is that Sully Vipond won't be there in person to be part of it all, but we know that he'll be there with us in spirit.
- Dean Link, President, Brooklin Lacrosse Club and Brooklin Merchants
It's an exciting time for the Brooklin Merchants lacrosse organization. Fighting for a berth in the 2024 Presidents Cup this year and being awarded the opportunity to host the 2025 Presidents Cup in front of our home fans on our 25th anniversary. We are honoured with this decision and are looking forward to putting on a fantastic event next year. I want to thank all the individuals who helped make this opportunity a reality in the Brooklin organizations, without them this opportunity would never have come to fruition. Still a lot of hard work to do but really looking forward to the experience.
- Gavin Prout, General Manager, Brooklin Lacrosse Club and Brooklin Merchants
"We are thrilled to be hosting the 2025 “Prezzy”. It was a complete effort by the executive with each member contributing in their own way. It came together with hotel, restaurant and transportation offering different types of services and discounts. Now the work begins in making the 2025 “Prezzy” one of the best."
- Garry Igel - Vice President, Merchants Operations
2025 Presidents Cup
Iroquois Park Sports Centre, Whitby, ON